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Completion of Calling and Ministry Studies (CAMS) is required prior to obtaining Exhorter credentials in the Church of God. To apply for CAMS, the applicant must complete a New Minister/Calling and Ministry Studies (CAMS)/Exhorter application, and submit to a background check.

CAMS consists of two sections: seminars and individual study. The purposes of the seminars are (a) to identify how an individual knows he/she has a divine call, (b) to explain what the meaning and practices of ministry are, and (c) to help the applicant determine what his/her divine call is and understand what ministry is. The seminars are attended by both applicant and spouse.

The CAMS applicant completes three Certificate in Ministerial Studies (CIMS) courses through individual study. In addition, the applicant writes three papers on the following: His/her calling into the ministry, his/her view of ministry, and his/her ministry identity. The spouse writes a paper on his/her calling into ministry and a paper on his/her view of ministry.

To obtain an MIP application, please contact the Hawaii State Executive Offices

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