Partnership Opportunities

The Vision of Hales of Hope Hawaii
Hawaii has a total population of just over 1.4 million people. Of these, 37.47% are Asian, 24.42% are mixed race, 23.69% are white, and 10.56% are Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander. All other races make up the remaining 3.86% of the population. The Asian population is primarily Filipino, although there are also large populations of Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and Korean residents.
Currently Hawaii has several churches made up of mostly Filipino congregants with pastors of Filipino descent. These ministries are flourishing. For this we are thankful. Unfortunately, we have no Japanese, Chinese, Thai, or Korean churches. This leaves a significant segment of our population unreached.
In partnership with World Missions, our vision is to plant churches targeting these unreached cultures within Hawaii. Specifically: Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and Korean. World Mission is helping us locate church planters from within these cultures who would commit to coming to Hawaii to plant new churches.
In order to eliminate one of the largest barriers, the enormous cost of housing, our vision is to build three homes on property we already own. The fact the we already own this property is huge. One of these will be a single family home which will serve as the parsonage to Hawaii’s Y&D Director. Two will be duplex units providing housing for four church planters. These church planters will be able to live in these Hales (houses) of Hope for two years as they launch a church and lead it to health. As these planters move not their own housing we will then move in new church planters to continue planting churches and reaching the harvest of Hawaii.
We will also refurbish one of the classrooms in our office to be used for education, training, and mentoring of our church planters.