Lay Leadership Development
LLD is a program that assists the local church pastor to motivate, equip, and train leaders for the local congregation. Level I includes pastor-supervised independent study and readings in leadership, monthly seminars led by the pastor, and ministry assignments within the local congregation. Level II is pastor-supervised independent study and training in one of ten areas of local church ministry: cell groups, children, Christian education, counseling, stewardship, music and worship, teaching, youth, and ministry to women.
Church of God members who have completed levels I and II of Lay Leadership Development are eligible to obtain Lay Minister Certification upon recommendation from the local pastor. After the member completes levels I and II, the local pastor may obtain a Lay Minister Certification Request Form from the state office. Call 808-658-5488 or contact Hawaii State Executive Offices.The Request Form must be approved by the Administrative Bishop and forwarded to the Ministerial Development/School of Ministry for issuance of the Lay Minister Certificate. The Lay Minister Certificate may be renewed every two years upon recommendation of the local pastor.